for Personalized Lifelong Learning

At Ascension University, the media assets we produce and publish are available free of charge, for use by any educational institution or individual educator, at any time and at any place. Our mission reflects the Latin concept of the universum, which originally included ‘everybody, all things, and the whole world.’ Our catalog is designed to balance the learner’s ongoing need for inspiration as well as instruction. This edification / education balance informs our design criteria to address the motivational and informational needs of one great humanity. Our initiatives are characterized by an Appreciation for the Enduring Value of Individual Advancement (AEVIA).

We present the four curricular focus areas as Applicational, Intellectual, Practical, and Spiritual. They are developing along the following lines:

The School of StatesmanshipThe School for ServiceThe Aevia Institutes for ManagementThe College of Revealed Cosmology